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Toffee Collects!

December 13, 2017

After the fantastic response to the last collection held at Toffee Factory for West End foodbank, we are doing it again! Opening in March 2013 they have grown to be the largest in the UK, feeding more than 40,000 people in last year.

Aiming to support people in overcoming their food crisis after three visits they work in partnership with specialist agencies to help solve the often complex problems that have led them to needing the service. For those in need of further support, and recognising the unsustainability of handing out food parcels on a regular basis, they set up The Integration Project.

Donations are gladly received any time of year but the winter sees a dramatic increase in demand. The extra costs of heating add strain to already tight budgets. Toffee is collecting both food and monetary contributions to lend a hand to a vital organisation. Open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm, local businesses and residents are encouraged to drop off what they can.

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"It is an inspiring and warm-feeling location that invites people to come up with new and innovative ideas."

Fanny Hickisch – Ketchum Pleon