Outdoor Spaces

Toffee Terrace

The Toffee Terrace is a rooftop terrace overlooking the Ouseburn Valley alongside Toffee Factory’s sedum roof. With a dozen of Ron Arad’s classic Tom Vac chairs this is a brilliant and inspirational location for impromtu meetings, drinks after work or a quiet, contemplative place in the fresh air away from your office.

Glasshouse Arch

With the top of the building attached to Glasshouse Bridge, taking city traffic high across the Ouseburn, Toffee Factory’s ground floor has two majestic sheltered arches of its own: one provides access to main reception and the other is a stunningly illuminated all-weather space.

Courtyard and Moorings

The Ouseburn and River Tyne are immediately adjacent to Toffee Factory and the Quayside is an inspirational and relaxing place right on the doorstep. With outdoor seating and a carefully landscaped courtyard Toffee Factory makes the most of it’s stunning location with ample facilities for working including Wi-Fi, cycle racks, electricity points for laptops and even wired internet and services for floating creative enterprises.

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what our clients say:

“Toffee Factory has a fantastic reputation for events and community, resulting in quite a lot of pride when telling people where I'm based!”

Matt Shaw – Director of Pixel House Media